
"You let it all... you let it all just slip away."

The sunlight is beautiful and it's FINALLY HERE. I went for a swim this morning with a couple friends and then a hike out at Kal Park with a couple more friends. finally, we came back, had an awesome meal of yogurt, strawberries, bananas and brownies. Then we watched Clerks II and went to the band house, then I got home and now here I am. Awesome day. Just awesome.

Except for this. Stop letting bullshit excuses get in the way of your happiness, and stop playing the victim. Help is always available. I'm here for anyone who needs me. Professional help is available. Stop making me into a villain for not solving your problems. I have my own shit to deal with (which I am working on.).

Goodnight, friends. Sleep well.


"Oh, Elise..."

So The Cure is the best band to come out of the 80s. Just so you know. I have never really fully compounded my love for The Cure to folks (mostly because NOBODY KNOWS WHO THE FUCK I'M TALKING ABOUT WHEN I TRY and that is UNACCEPTABLE), but hey, now you know. The Cure is an awesome band that everyone should listen to. Check out "Cut Here" or "Letter to Elise" or "Love Song" or "Friday I'm In Love." The only thing I'm not a fangirl-ishly large fan of is that weird-ass cat noise Robert Smith makes sometimes. I mean... I just don't get it. What purpose does it serve that a moan or a yell or a shriek or a "yeah" couldn't? It's a real stumper. FURTHERMORE, what producer heard Robert Smith make that sound in the studio and went, "That shit is awesome (or tubular or whatever the fuck they said in the 90s), do it more." Didn't his bandmates say anything? Or did they like the weird feline-in-mid-orgasm sound? I don't get it. I need this explained to me. Not to say I'm not a beastly Cure fan, I just... am confused by this sound that is on all of their albums. It's purpose, intent and even conception baffle me and I want to understand desperately. Oh well. Maybe I'll just try it in the band room one day and see what everyone thinks.

AAAAAAAANYWAYS, I've decided that we need to start getting gigs soon, so look out for that. It's on its way. It's like we're pregnant with rock and it's only a matter of time before it bursts out of our creative womb into the light of day. Or it's not like that at all. EITHER WAY, music shall be played soon.

I really despise having animals sleep at the foot of my bed. They get the blankets all tangled and shitty and I can't pull them up without disturbing the animal and then I feel like a douche and they move and they make noise and it sucks. That's about all I have to say on that one, I just felt I had to say it.

So I had something to say about this whole clusterfuck with Gaddaffi in Lybia, but it essentially boils down to this: tons of people are bitching about how we should have gone in earlier and done something sooner and "fuck the UN, they're just being lazy and dragging their feet" and "OIL IT'S ALL ABOUT OIL BLAH BLAH EEEEEVIL!" These people are irritating for multiple reasons.

1) If we'd just kicked the fucking door in right off the bat, all of these people - the VERY SAME people who are complaining about us not going in soon enough - would be bitching about us interfering in other countries' affairs and how we're not the world police and all the shit they always spout. This is dumb and I am tired of hearing it. I don't know what the fuck you people want, but you need to figure it out. Yeah, Gaddaffi needed a nice, hard kick in the nuts, but there's a little thing called international law that restricts us from just going "FUCK YOUR SHIT EVIL DICTATOR" and carpet bombing the fuck of of him. That's why it was BAD for the US to go into Iraq - they went through the protocol, talked to everyone, got disagreed with and then cut through all the red tape and just did it anyways. In this case, everyone learned from their fuck-ups and coloured inside the lines and waited their turn and then everything was hunky-dory, and we went in. And it's still not enough for you clowns. Whatever, I don't get you people, you're all just being dickheads who don't know what they really want from their government/don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

2) I think I actually did all the reasons I can think of at 2:13 AM right there in point #1. I wanted to go after the red tape some more and how the UN "dragging its feet" is actually called "following laws that were put in place to avoid conflicts that could grow to a global scale" but I lost my train of thought. Oh well.

Celebratory "First Day of Spring (Was Two Days Ago But Whatever)" swim tomorrow. It's gonna be COLD. Gotta get my rest.

Sleep well, friends. Don't be one of the dickheads I talked about just up there.


I'm so tired of being so tired, but tonight, with you, I am totally wired

Check that shit out. An honest to god gig. Fuck me. I feel pretty good about it.

Red Crown and Downpour are 100% complete, and they sound fucking AWESOME. No doubt you'll get to hear them soon. There are plans in the works. We are also working on a pair of brand spanking new songs (one's called Vitriol [very guitar heavy] and one's untitled, but we're calling it Summer for now [Katie throws her violin into the ring on this one]). One's really heavy, and one's not at all. I'm excited.

ON THE OTHER HAND, sorry I've been neglecting you, Blog. You know I love you, baby, I've just been busy. Don't look at me like that. I've been reading Bad Sandwich Chronicles, which is a blog written by one of my favourite musicians ever, Brendan Kelly (from The Lawrence Arms, for those asshats who don't know - check this song out. It's currently my favourite song by them and it is coincidentally really fucking awesome.), which inspired me to get back on the updating horse. Let's see how long I last before I fall on my ass again, yeah? I'm taking bets.

SO. What's new in the world of me? Learning a lot about myself, that's for sure. Trying to be okay with me. Not so easy, but, hey, I'm working on it, so fuck anyone who calls me on it. Tons of people seem to think that this whole depression thing is just an act or a story I tell that's done with now, but I've been dealing with it for YEARS - since I was a little kid, really, so... yeah. I don't really know where I was going with that one. It's fucking late. LOTS of band shit, as you can see - bunch of covers and a few originals (we're trying to focus on originals). Probably going down to Virginia this summer, barring any unforeseen surprises.

So, religious people. Not regular ones, like the people that go to church and pray and shit, but all you zealous assholes who think you're better than us regular folk. I have decided that these people are intolerable and I am sick of dealing with their shit - from here on out, every zealot I have to deal with is going to get a swift kick to the nuts/ovaries (which, of course, means that I'm going to tell them to fuck off. I'm not really violent).

But wait, you say! "Zealot" doesn't exclusively apply to religious folks, just people who are blindly dedicated to something! You are incorrect, dear Tyler!

Well, first off, I would like to say hold your fucking horses, there, I'm not done yet. Also, well done, astute reader - you would be correct in saying that the word 'zealot' doesn't just apply to bible-thumpers. I just dislike zealots in general. I think it's poor form (and a powerful kind of stupid) to reject any opposing opinion, because, if you really believe in something, some other dickhead's opinion isn't going to change that. This is fact.

So, I am gonna go on record and say that ANY zealots, whether they be Christian zealots, Muslim zealots, Covenant zealots (yeah fuck you, I love Halo), or atheist zealots are just fucking annoying as a rule. They refuse to accept anything that disagrees with them, and that is just a shitty way to live. How will you ever learn if people never challenge you?

Anyways, I was just furious about that. Does that make me an anti-zealot zealot? Fuck if I know. Weird.

Sleep now. Tired as shit. I want to have breakfast. That's right, I look forward to breakfast. Don't you judge me.

Sleep well, friends - I shall try to post again tomorrow.

P.S.: If you read this (and you know too fucking well who you are [because you decided to ignore me instead of talking like, you know, a fucking normal person]), I am upset with you. I think you are being a douche. I don't even get why you're being all grumpy, and if you're gonna fuck off and tell me to "quit while I'm ahead, thanks" with the kind of subtle superiority I sense from you right now, you can go sit on a dick. Sorry if my shitty day made me act differently than usual. Next time I'll try not to let my emotions get the better of me. Oh, fuck, wait... I already apologised for letting my depression control my attitude today, didn't I? Guess you're just taking things a little too personally. Well, now they ARE personal. Good for you, asshat. Enjoy your day. I hope it's as shitty as mine was yesterday so maybe you'll get some perspective instead of making uninformed assumptions. Kindly use your brain or fuck yourself. Thanks.